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Employee On-Boarding Services offers a comprehensive suite of screening, compliance, and health solutions.

A committed collaborator, we help our partners manage hiring, avoid risk, and navigate the regulatory process. 


Supporting Healthy Workforces

It's our mission to make your job easier, and help your business run better. We deliver tailored screening and occupational health solutions that fit your operation's unique needs - and then take care of all the logistics and details, so you can focus on your own priorities.

As dedicated partners, our expert team offers assistance through every step of the onboarding journey. From pre-employment screenings to annual physicals, we are on hand to support your workforce, and to help you pursue your goals

Visit the Wellness Clinic

Our downtown Cheyenne clinic provides basic health and wellness care to local workforces and the small business community. We use clinical bodywork, modern technology, and a wealth of experience to address your specific issues, promote wellness, and foster healing.


Your Partner in Health

We provide a number of health and screening services designed to make employee onboarding easy, promote health, and ensure compliance.

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